The Me Too Movement I was reluctant to write about the Me too movement, in any capacity, even though, as a girl mom, it not only concerned me immensely, it intrigued me. What are we teaching our girls? How are we teaching body image? What is acceptable body image and most importantly, what is perceived to be acceptable? How to teach our daughters to embody themselves, own their mantra, their personality and to not let haters hate. But how is too much skin, a too short skirt, a midriff acceptable you ask? Is it even? Is it asking for attention, as so many men and others have vocalized. The ... Read More...
Confessions Of a Working Mommy
Confessions Of A Working Mommy There are some days where I rock it hard and I even surprise myself. I killed it at the 9-5, dinner was ready at a decent time, bath and kids in bed by 7:30. Wha…...just happened!? Those days are like Christmas here. Shit just doesn’t happen often. Usually I’m a hot mess. But I have learned a thing or 2 working full time while having 2 babies. Things that actually help my stress level and leave for working in one piece. It’s not a solution and you still need to time your mornings out, but I have found when I do these things, I feel more like June fucking ... Read More...