The Magic that is Christmas
The reason I’m keeping Santa alive for my kids is really, because of my own childhood; I remember the feeling that creeped up inside, covering my entire body with wiggles of excitement, eyes sparking with magic. The streets transformed into a magical place with twinkling lights, light up reindeer and Christmas music lulling out of every store and shop. Santa visiting the malls and I just couldn’t wait to sit in his lap and tell him how good I’d been and all I really wanted was that new holiday barbie, a puppy, a new bike oh and just a battery operated car to drive. Not much really…
People think kids love Christmas because of the gifts. And yes, of course that is part of it. But it’s the whole thing. The smell of the pine in the house from the Christmas tree and the low glow the lights give off as you watched the claymation of Rudolph on Christmas Eve. Santa and his Elves working away all year long to have one magical around the world trip. Oh the sleepless night on Christmas eve because you were just too excited to sleep.
Christmas gives all the feels
You see, Christmas for me is a holiday that gives me all the feels. I know I am not alone in this. But our Christmases were always big. We had every family member at my Granny’s house. Too many people for that little house. Granny would get more excited than the kids and yell from the stairs at the crack of dawn that “Santa’s been!” and we best get our butts up. The adults drank hot coffee while the kids tore into the presents, everyone cosy in jammies. A big breakfast after and Turkey in the oven right away. The day was spent with family, playing games, talking and eating. Oh lots of eating.
So please remember, if you plan on telling your kids the truth about Santa, or you are a family that doesn’t believe; that’s inevitable, I get it, but please, ensure your child is responsible enough to not tell other kids. Don’t ruin their magic. Christmas time is a time that is so magical, Santa, Elves, reindeer, christmas music and christmas trees, everything creates this beautiful setting and time in place that most people enjoy.

It wouldn’t be the same
All of that would still happen if your kid told my kid the truth about Santa, but that glisten in their eye, would be gone. The magic would dull. The excitement would wean. So please, don’t do that to other kids who still believe. Who hold the magic in their world. It’s something I wish we could have as adults. If I could have taken something with me from childhood to adulthood, it would be the magic that surrounds Christmas.
I remember in grade 3, a girl in my class and her little sister at recess told me Santa wasn’t real. At School. Can you imagine how that was for an 8 year old to hear? Tears, so many tears. I was so emotional and upset that they had to call my Mom. Those kids obviously had no idea what they did. Regardless of belief, that was not ok. My Mom had to convince me they were wrong and she actually asked me to not hang out with those kids anymore. She spoke to their parents and I went on believing in Santa for a couple more years until that one day I found my teeth my mom kept as the tooth fairy. I connected all the dots that day. Easter bunny, Tooth fairy…..Santa….It hurt. Absolutely. As a child you are crushed.
Would I change it?
Fuck no. Those memories and that magic is worth that day of heartache 1000000 x’s over.
Now that I have kids of my own, it’s returned. Picking and decorating a tree, I get to see and watch the excitement through them, hanging lights and listening to music, warms me as I watch my daughters smile from ear to ear. Snuggling up watching our favourite Christmas movies while we eat snacks. The list could go on, but all I know is that I want that feeling, that magic to live in my kids for as LONG as possible. I know we live in a world that is so different from when we were kids. We are more aware of different beliefs, cultures and religions. But I would never want to ruin that for any kid.
So while you are thinking you are being a fair, transparent adult to your kids. Your kids are not adults and it’s realistic to assume the repercussions of telling any other children the truth would be devastating. That’s too heavy for any kid to carry. All I ask is that you let the magic live with your kids for as long as possible and when/if the inevitable happens, that they understand it’s a secret to keep until you are older. That’s all. Just please, let me have this magic with my kids for as long as possible.
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